"Supporting United Way of Lewis County"
United Way of Lewis County extends heartfelt gratitude to every individual who embraces our mission to elevate families from poverty. While our dedication to serving the community fuels our purpose, it's the strength of our community that empowers us to make a significant impact. Your support is the lifeblood of our mission. Numerous avenues are available for you to contribute and make a meaningful difference in our community through United Way.
We make it easy to invest in United Way of Lewis County no matter where you are. Make a secure online donation to United Way by CLICKING HERE.
Donating to United Way of Lewis County has never been easier! Text UNITED4LEWIS to 44-321.
Set up a personal Facebook fundraiser for United Way of Lewis County! Engage your friends, colleagues, and family in the important work of United Way by sharing our story through your own personal Facebook page. Check out the Fundraisers tab on Facebook to get started.
Donate through payroll deduction to United Way of Lewis County as part of your company's Employee Giving Campaign. Your annual donation supports United Way over the course of a year and impacts lives right here in our community. To find out more about Workplace Giving contact, chris.judd@lewiscountyuw.com.
One of the most impactful donations you can make is a legacy or endowment gift. By including United Way of Lewis County in your will, you ensure that the organizations, opportunities, and values you held dear during your life will continue to be supported after you're gone. Call United Way at (360) 748-8100 or email chris.judd@lewiscountyuw.com and we are happy to walk you through the process.