"Why United Way of Lewis County?"
At United Way of Lewis County, we believe in the power of unity. We bring together a diverse coalition of community partners, spanning business, education, government, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations, all working harmoniously toward a common goal: to enhance the quality of life for all members of our community.
Our ambition is bold, our vision clear. We are committed to lifting 30% of families out of poverty by 2030. But to achieve this lofty objective, we understand that it takes the collective efforts of everyone involved.
We possess the influence and established relationships needed to turn sustainable change into a reality. By harnessing resources from corporate, nonprofit, and public partners, we can provide immediate assistance to our most vulnerable populations while addressing the deep-seated issues that have challenged our community for too long. Our aim is to transform lives for the better.
Every day, in every corner of our community, 1 in 3 of our neighbors grapple with challenges that demand our attention. With your support, we have the potential to create meaningful change. United Way is at the forefront of the community's efforts to combat poverty and strengthen families in Lewis County. Join us in making a difference.
(Read more about the ALICE population in Lewis County HERE.)
We help young children get the very best start in life.
We empower families to reach their full potential.
We create pathways to hope and possibility.
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